My Writing Process Analysis

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Pages: 2

Writing isn’t just a easy thing where you can just right a few thoughts down and explain. Writing has a lot of things behind it. Such as what your thinking in your head, composition, revising, and pronouncing things. When you’re writing you need a settled place so you can think to create your essay. For me it's sitting on my bed with a blanket wrapped around me to make sure i'm comfortable because that's an important thing. As a writer I strive to do my best to create a complete piece of writing. In my opinion it's a piece of art. There's always things i'm good at such as creating an imaged with complex adjectives to be able to paint a picture in your head. Also when i'm writing a essay it's good to look a few things up on the internet depending on your topic so that you have a better understanding. But then there’s also goals to improve on. For me as a writer I always need to think and …show more content…
Which this technique will really help me advance to get better and improve throughout all my processes of making an essay. One tip on my essay could actually change a lot because I could have changed the way I said things, or help to branch of with other topics concluding my main one. In one of my writing pieces called Jaundice which is a disease i use a lot of techniques to help my writing. First off I wrote it in a different form. “Newborns struggle with processing the bilirubin because their organs are still developing at the time. This causes your vitamin D level to be way lower than average.” This quote from my essay shows how I used and stated a fact to show how i'm delivering a message to the reader that will help people out physically and emotionally. I also went into different topics of jaundice “Crigler-Najjar Syndrome- Complications of an enzyme to produce