Nt1310 Unit 1 Case Study

Words: 1386
Pages: 6

Case Study 1 Technology has gotten the attention of people’s eyes ever since it has made its debut. The use of technology has made life more efficient in many ways in the twenty-first century. Smartphones are starting to take over the world. Smartphones are a huge update from the phones that were used about fifty years. The Smartphone include many features that causes communication and internet surfing powerful. Operating systems are software that perform the basic operation to support a technology device. Three commonly used operating systems include iOS for Apple, Android OS owned by Google, and Windows OS in possession to Microsoft. The iOS mobile operating system is running by Apple Inc. and proudly powers …show more content…
Gmail would be one of the first apps on my smartphone because it is a fast way to get in contact with professors or professionals when needed. I check my email every day to see what it is important that I need to know. Spotify would be one of the main apps on my phone because when I study I like to listen to music to keep myself focused on my tasks, or I just want to dance to some good music at the time. YouTube and Google Search would be downloaded on my phone because they give me guidance on things I need help with when I do not understand or I just want to find out the latest news. The calculator would be on my phone because I have a lot of math assignments that must be completed using a calculator. I would purchase Adobe Reader because it is a lot easier to view study guides my teacher sends to the class. I would download Sweatcoin because I get paid for walking and running with my Apple watch. I would download Pinterest because it has interesting ideas such as recipes to consider doing. I would purchase Temple Run and Color Switch because it keeps me amused and quiet when I have nothing else to consider doing. There are so many apps I would download, but the ten I listed would be the first apps I would