Nt1310 Unit 8

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Pages: 7

Unit 8: Clinical Psychology DSM-5 Choice Board, Somatic Symptoms, Choice #1 Directions: As you watch the video, answer the questions listed below.

PART 1: Conversion Disorder - Watch the video linked & answer the questions below. What were Holi Longford’s symptoms of her conversion disorder? Holly lost her ability to walk and experienced spasming seizures in her legs.

What was her trigger event? The triggering event for Holly was a collision during a game of netball, which led to her experiencing back pain.

What did the doctors do to try and diagnose her? List and briefly explain the different procedures she went through. Holly underwent numerous tests and scans to identify any physical abnormalities or injuries that could explain her symptoms.
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Andrew Court? According to Dr. Andrew Court, it is a disorder where patients have symptoms like a stroke or seizure but without an underlying physical cause. What has been shown to help some people with conversion disorder, even though there’s no cure for this disorder? Rehabilitation programs like physiotherapy have helped in identifying and managing underlying psychological distress and getting the body to function normally.

PART 2: Jessie’s Story - Watch the video linked & answer the questions below. What happened to Jessie to trigger her Conversion Disorder? Jessie's Conversion Disorder was triggered by skipping a step while walking down the stairs at school, which caused her to hurt her back.

What tests did the doctors run to try and help diagnose what was wrong with Jessie? List and then briefly explain what those tests do in your own words. X-rays - They were initially taken to see any damage to Jessie's spine or backbone. But the X-rays did not reveal anything concerning the
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Explain what each of the alters are as they discuss them. Jamie: A 27-year-old country doctor with prescription lenses. He has a British accent, is intelligent, and charming, and acts as caretaker for Jess. Ollie: A 14-year-old boy who has been present since he was seven. He is moody and has strong opinions about his age. Ollie enjoys video games, YouTube, and biking. Ed: A 29-year-old punk rock hairdresser who is artsy and creative. He is a "dark horse" and does everything left-handed. Ed has caused anxiety for Jess in the past and has been associated with self-harm behaviors. Jake: A 25-year-old Californian pop star who is slim, lean, muscular, and has a Hollywood smile. He is optimistic, fun-loving, and has dreams of being an actor and