Nursing Career Research Paper

Words: 741
Pages: 3

Dreading the day, I knew I had to get up, get ready, and go to orientation because it was mandatory for all incoming freshman. July 16, 2014 the nerves started to kick in. I was sitting in the car with my mother, driving from New Orleans to Hammond not knowing what to expect out of Southeastern Louisiana University Summer Orientation. I have always been shy about meeting new people and exploring unfamiliar territory. Once we have arrived on the campus, I walked into the Student Activity Center to check-in, take my ID picture, and pick up my nametag. After completing all of these stations, my mother and I had to part different ways. While my mother went to the family orientation program in Vonnie Borden Theater, I anxiously sat in my seat while …show more content…
In fact, it is very stressful because when choosing a major for your college years, you are choosing what the rest of your life will consist of. I have dreamed about becoming a nurse since I was a child and I continue to desire to become a nurse. It took me years to figure out what branch I would take in the nurse career. Realizing I am very much in love with babies and taking care of people, I knew that I wanted to be a neo natal Nurse. Deciding a major is a very big step and a person should consider everything they like to do. Meeting new people, talking to people all day long, and having confidence in yourself plays a huge role in becoming a neo natal nurse. Being a nurse also requires you to be able to work well with others and to work well within …show more content…
Completely terrified, I took their advice and slept on campus in a dorm room with a complete stranger. I walked into the dorm room, not expecting my roommate to be there yet. Shockingly, she was sitting on the bed just waiting around. She was tall, fair skinned and had long black hair. She got off the bed and greeted me. I always hated sleeping away from home. At home, I feel more comfortable and protected. I knew going into orientation and spending the night on campus, it would result in a sleepless night. As I expected, I did not sleep but luckily neither could my roommate Nicole. We stayed up listening to music, talking about our lives and laughing the night