Nursing Career Research Paper

Words: 511
Pages: 3

Nursing Essay
By becoming a nurse you are doing more than getting a new career you are making a life choice, you are making the choice to make a difference in people’s lives. Being a nurse could also be more than just a career because you could learn something new every day. Nurses care for people through illness, injury, pain, loss, dying, grieving, birth, growth, aging and health. They not only care for people through illness, but they also promote health, prevent diseases and educate the public. Which was a very important part of when I was growing up and nurses would come to my health class and teach us about diseases and how to avoid them or sometimes just how to stay healthy.
I believe that I possess the essential characteristics to be a nurse because a nurse needs to be open, strong, determined, thoughtful and caring. These qualities would reflect on the nurse and would make caring for the patient easier. A nurse would have to be a very sociable person so that they can easily communicate with their patients to help them with their needs.
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Being raised in Africa for the first few years of my life all I ever saw was people in need of help from children, disables people to adults and it seemed as if no one cared to help them. When I moved to the United States I got a better understanding and education in the health world, and I saw that as my gateway to help other individuals. For me, I want a very rewarding career, a career that when I retire I will miss it and being able to be a person to comfort others during their toughest times is very