Osteoporosis Research Paper

Words: 1396
Pages: 6

Etiology Each bone is a living organ of the body. Bones are continually being renewed. Old bone is broken down by the osteoclast and new bone is made by osteoblasts. As with many cells of the body, when a person is young new bone is made faster than old bone is broken down. When the dynamic sculpting process of bone favors bone formation then, bone size and mass are increase. Most individuals reach maximal bone mass in their third decade of life. Generally as people age their bone mass decreases because the bone is lost more quickly than it is formed. The more active a person is in their youth the stronger their bones will be throughout their life. The likelihood of developing osteoporosis is increased if a young person does not increase their bones mass as a reserve for later years. The bones are a reservoir for calcium and phosphorus. In order to maintain …show more content…
The general cause of osteoporosis is that bone is reabsorbed faster than it is replenished. Bone is reabsorbed in a matter of weeks by osteoclasts in contrast to osteoblasts that need months to produce new bone. Over time, any process that accelerates the rate of bone remodeling will result in net bone loss. Phosphate, calcium and vitamin D help maintain bone homeostasis. Malnutrition or the bodies inability to absorb these compounds can contribute to disease progression. Relatively minor falls or impacts can result in severe fractures to people with osteoporosis. Both types of bone have a similar molecular composition but cortical bone and cancellous bone are different in their architecture. Cortical bone is dense and compact. Cancellous bone forms a web like spongy net work that gives bone internal strength while minimizing overall weight. In persons with osteoporosis both the hard exterior shell and internal support structure of bone is weakened by decreased mass and poor matrix