Osteoporosis Research Paper

Words: 1855
Pages: 8

When people think of osteoporosis they instantly think of the elderly. This is because the elderly have more occurrences of broken bones, usually a fracture to their hip. Osteoporosis can occur at any age, ethnicity or gender. The disorder occurs when bone becomes weak due lack of biological factors not working as efficiently as they once did. Susceptibility also depends on many factors including genetics and environment factors. Once osteoporosis is diagnosed it can cause many complications that can cripple an individual’s daily routines. Hormone replacement therapy and medication are a few ways of treating the disease. Most medications now available can only help slow the process of resorption, which is breaking down bone. Getting …show more content…
The incidence of this disease is caused in the elderly because the bone resorption and remodeling phases are off balance. This means that more old bone is being taken away then being restored with new bone. Although more common in the elderly, it is possible for younger people to develop osteoporosis. Eating disorders can have a large factor on bone density. “The eating disorders anorexia and bulimia can weaken your bones and increase your risk of osteoporosis when you are older (National Osteoporosis Foundation).” Young adults who do not eat enough lack the vitamins needed to maintain bone health which will decrease their bone mass because they are unable to store calcium. In the long run they can develop osteoporosis before they are 50. Women are more likely to develop osteoporosis than men. “As many as half of all women and a quarter of men older than 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis (Medline Plus).” Women are more susceptible because when they hit menopause their estrogen levels drop and this then causes loss of bone density. The incidence of osteoporosis is higher in the elderly but more likely to occur in …show more content…
“For the prevention of fractures, antiresorptive drugs (bisphosphonates and denosumab) that decrease high bone resorption and, secondarily, also bone formation, are the mainstream therapy (Piet, 2015).” Some bisphosphonate drugs include Aldendronate Sodium or Alendronate Sodium plus Vitamin D3 (Fosamax) , Ibandronate Sodium (Boniva), and Risedronate Sodium or Risedronate Sodium with Calcium Carbonate (Actonel). These drugs are classified as bisphosphonates, meaning that they are used to slow down or prevent bone damage. Bisphosphonates help prevent bone thinning, risk of bone breaking, reduce blood levels in calcium and help to reduce pain. Fosamax helps to prevents bone decay in the spin and hip. While taking this medication it is important to take it daily once in the morning as soon as the individual’s wakes up and 30 minutes before eating or drinking. After taking the medication the individual needs to remain sitting up straight or walking for 30 minutes. “Ibandronate reduces the incidence of spine fractures by about 50 percents over three years (National Osteoporosis Foundation).” Unlike Fosamax, Ibandronate is only taken once a month. Like the previous medication Ibandronate needs to be taken an hour before ingesting any food and drink and the individual taking the medication needs to remain sitting up straight or standing for an hour after taking the medication. Side