Personal Narrative: A Career In High School

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Most who enter high school do not know what they want to do in their future. That was not true for me. My perspective on life is what started me on my career path freshman year in high school. Sitting in my first fashion class I could not wait to see what the teacher was going to teach us or what assignments we would be given. It all started with her telling us to make a garment out of recycled materials. I was perplexed and bewildered. The project was arduous and painstaking work but I really did enjoy every minute of it. This solidified for me that I was interested in going into the fashion industry. After researching the various fields that are within the fashion industry, Fashion Merchandising was the one that stood out. Not only did I love the complete uncontrollability of it but it also resonated to my out of the box thinking. After the realization of what track I wanted to go on in life I made it my goal to work hard to make my vision a reality. …show more content…
I became a member of FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) and was asked to compete. I made a black velvet purse for the Succesories category and I came in second place my freshman year. I had to choose a pattern and cut and sew it together to make an evening accessory. I had to pick out the embellishments and hand sew them on one by one. With that win it gave me the confidence to come back my sophomore year and make a more demanding project. This competition consisted of a more difficult garment to be made. I choose a dress that had a unique pattern to it. The materials that I choose where hard to manipulate on the sewing machine and had to be hand sewn in some places. I won third place overall and I have learned that hard work and dedication pays