When they finally reached the hospital the boy was wheeled out of the ambulance and into the back doors where he was taken immediately to get his stomach pumped. They left Louis in a smaller room saying they would be with them shortly. He waited for an hour or so reading the magazines on the table.
Finally a doctor appeared in the door. Louis knew the doctor slightly but not too well. He remembered him as Dr. Griffin. He looked to be in her late twenties or early thirties. He was slightly chubby but not too overweight and had a shorter light brown cut similar …show more content…
Tomlinson.” He said. Louis gave him a small nod as he sat on the stool. “He had his stomach pumped and we conducted an exam.” He said. The doctor opened a yellow file and slid several papers over to Louis.
“Now I know I am not supposed to comment on medical health treatments but during the exam I found severe bruising on his bottom, back and pelvic area. I don’t know what kind of treatments are going on over there at the institution but I can assure you I will not hesitate to call the police if he returns.” The doctor warned as he slid Louis a pen. Louis bit his lip and nodded nervously. He began to fill out the paperwork for Michael.
Before Dr. Griffin could speak again a young nurse pushed Michael's wheelchair into the room. He still wore his bathrobe but now held a fluffy brown teddy bear to his chest. The bear head a red first aid heart on it’s chest.
Dr. Griffin smiled slightly at the sleepy boy.
“He is all set to go. There is a taxi outside.” The nurse chirped. Louis mumbled a quick thank you to the nurse before pushing Michael out of the …show more content…
I’ll put him to bed.” Liam said. Louis nodded. He handed over the bear from the hospital and wandered down the hall towards his room. Liam set Michael in one of the spare wheelchairs and began to roll him towards the elevator. The elevator dinged and Liam pushed the boy in. He hesitated for a second trying to decide if he should send Michael back to his normal room or to the infirmary. He looked down at the boy clutching the teddy bear to his chest and sighed. He pressed the basement button. Liam left Michael in the elevator and grabbed the boy's belongings from his room in the basement. Liam unlocked the door and headed straight to the nightstand. He carefully picked up the music box Luke had given the boy along with his copy of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. He noticed a second book underneath that he hadn’t seen before. Liam curiously picked up the book and looked at the