Personal Narrative: My Hero's Journey

Words: 1062
Pages: 5

When i was born, and as the angels looked on, my blessings was this, because my mother was strong. and through her beautiful eyes I knew that she could see... the potential man ....that I could be. when i was a boy, i felt so secure because being a courageous loving woman was a virtue to her, Thought my eyes i could see by the examples of she ...the potential man that i could be. and as I grew from a boy to a man, and when I felt that I could no longer stand, there she was to gave me a hand, because she believed in me..... the potential man I could be. and now that she's gone I know she taught me to be strong.... and because of her love and kindness ....I overcame my blindness.... because she believed in me.... I became ....that potential man that I could be. The New Bar Rules

Leave hate at the door…. And be prepared for the invincible tour …. Now sometimes people think that life has no purpose…. That time spent on this Earth is nothing but worthless…. But let me ask you my friend to sit down and Converse… even if the vernacular is somewhat diverse… the stress of the world can weigh on us hard… sadness and tragedy that leaves as tired and marred…so let me lay on you the
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I just need to say... I wish I could be with you... just one more day...., All the memories of our childhood and the times we were together... stored deeply in my heart, always forever. Early spring we would take walks and sometimes we would run and hide... such a beautiful family ..with so much pride... Our parents bought used bikes... they taught us to ride... I felt so safe ..with them by my side.... We would play softball.,.. my father would pitch.., we didn't have much but together we were rich... My fondest memories of us at the beach.... and all the lessons only a mother could teach.... If I could go back this is what I would say.... I love and miss you all so much... And I would give anything... for just one more