Personal Narrative: My Hero's Journey

Words: 544
Pages: 3

It was a sunny afternoon embraced with a warm wind when Stella found herself waiting for a jeepney to route to her school, racing against time to reach UST for her first class. The minutes were ticking away, she only had 30 minutes left before the class started. Just when she thought luck was on her side, a jeep pulled up, and a bunch of students made haste to board. As Stella was about to step into the jeep, a young man bumped into her, causing her to be pushed back, and he took her supposed seat in the jeep. The guy who took her seat looked at her apologetically. Stella was frustrated, but was left with no choice but to wait for the next ride to come. Little did she know that little encounter would lead her to a new destination in her life, or perhaps an unexpected stop? …show more content…
But the fate had its own way when she met Liam — the same guy who had stolen her seat. They unexpectedly met again during the annual event at school, Paskuhan, and from that moment, their story started like a chaotic jeep ride they once shared.

Their relationship grew, akin to a jeepney hurtling down the road. They found comfort in each other's company, just like the figures finding comfort in their adventures like Bonnie and Clyde. Yet, beneath the thrill lies an unspoken line of thinking — Stella had her doubts. She knew deep down what she has with Liam might diverge when the road gets rough with their differing priorities and struggles.

As time passed, they arrived at the X mark; their relationship took an unexpected turn. Cracks began to show as Stella and Liam found themselves struggling to balance their academics, personal struggles, and their relationship. It was a difficult one. However, Liam was committed to standing by with Stella even in her bluest days. While Stella felt suffocated by the weight of her responsibilities and their bond, she yearned to escape the weight of it