Everyone’s dream is to become successful at one thing or another. First we will have to determine what success means. Not every person has the same meaning of success. In the dictionary success is defined as the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one's goals. My success is obtaining wealth and maintaining health along to the way to my career job which is a passion of mine. Securing my family and being able to provide my family with any and everything they will need.
There are 3 strategies that I will implement in my life that will help me obtain these goals that I have set fourth for myself. The first success strategy that I will use is time management. I believe that making time to what I consider priority helps keeps me focused. For example, I work 5 days a week and I attend class two days a week. I get off work at night around 9:00 o’clock, at that time I have homework to do, I have to clean my house, and prepare for the next day’s work. I will make an effort to do my homework first thing after I leave work because that is what’s most important in my life that is going to ensure my future.
Time management is defined as using your time efficiently and productively. When I manage my time correctly I see that I actually have more free time to do nothing. Instead of using that free time I manage to convert it into something useful like organizing my notes or reviewing for an exam.
My second strategy for success would be self-motivation. I believe in the law of attraction. The law of attraction states that what you think and speak of will ultimately manifest itself in your life some way or another. This is possible for a lot of things but success is a little different. If you’re not willing to put in the hard work along with having faith success will find you then it will never come to you. On my journey I witnessed a constant in me that is that