Persuasive Essay On School Shootings

Words: 593
Pages: 3

On today march 14, 2018 at approximately 10am, more than 3,000 schools across the country participated in a 17-minute walk out. All the schools in my county -Rockdale County- participated in this walk out. This walk out was to protest non-violent acts, against guns. About one month ago, 17 people were assassin in Parkland, Florida due to a shooting. These 17 people had no reason on earth to be involved in this shooting. Heartless people make mind-blowing decisions that affect the people around them, but as citizens, we each individually have to come together and help prevent these tragedies from occurring.

Gun violence has become timeless and high in America. The government, parents, and educators have now combined forces and are struggling to find a way to deal with gun violence. This widespread activity has hit grade schools, high schools, schools yards and college campuses. Many innocent loved ones are dying. Many of the times, students are making phone calls and deliver note threats but unfortunately, the national media does not cover this, so the truth of the matter is more than it seems. More energy and resources needed to help deal with this issue. One major approach that I strongly believe can assist in averting this problem is the implementation of tighter gun control measures in the country.
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As a school today, we decided to protest for gun violence to help end it. My fellow classmates and I stood outside for approximately 17 minutes. We held posters that stood against gun violence. People were chanting their hearts out to let everyone around them know how they felt about the gun violence situation. My presence was very important, but not only was my presence important, but each individual presence were important. Standing outside in the cold weather for 17 minutes, chanting our hearts out was dedication. This showed how dedication each individual was to help make a