Persuasive Essay On School Shootings

Words: 438
Pages: 2

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, based on our arguments and evidence that we have presented throughout this trial, it is evident that banning small arms in the United States is not the solution to gun crimes and violence. Since it is not the firearm committing the crime, but the individual that controls it, our solution is not to institute a ban on small arms, but instead to initiate a better crime and punishment control system in our society. This control system could greatly resemble Project Exile that was implemented in Richmond, Virginia. This project assembled greater punishments for those that were illegally possessing firearms, specifically those that had previous offenses. This took numerous guns off the streets of Richmond, 440 to …show more content…
Our competitors have addressed School Shootings as an issue, which we firmly believe in. However, we don’t believe that the ban on guns would address that problem correctly. Instead, we need to talk about the major mental health crisis present in today's society that is causing individuals to use firearms to harm others. Additionally, the ban would just increase the number of illegal and unserialized guns that are in circulation, causing our country to become even more dangerous. Criminals could resort to other weapons that might cause even more harm than before, and would be unregulated by our government. Even if we were to pass this ban, people could create their own guns by assembling parts and 3D printing parts to create a fully functioning, unregulated gun. The strategies to create a 3D printed gun are easily accessible, and can even be found on social media if necessary. If your concern is individuals that should not have guns getting ahold of them, like home-invaders, there is a company called Biofire that has created a smart gun. This gun has fingerprint and Face ID technology, which provides a solution to many of the concerns here