Persuasive Essay On School Shootings

Words: 588
Pages: 3

On Thursday, February 14th, 17 students were shot and killed at Stoneman Douglas high school in Parkland, Florida. This made 18 school shootings in 2018 or about three a week. Students all around the United States walked out of their schools on March 14th, a month after the mass shooting took place, to protest guns and enforce gun reform. Students all across the country walked out on March 14th, 2018, to protest gun violence in schools. All over the nation students are revolting, and it doesn't look like it will stop anytime soon. On March 24th, just ten days after the walkouts took place, a march against gun control was also held all over the country. As people crowded the streets many people were chanting “Enough is enough” and “not one more”. Everywhere around the United States, students and teachers marched for gun rights within their schools, but Washington D.C. had the largest outcome of people with 800,000 attendees. Many remarkable speeches were given at the march for our lives. As one student David Hogg, who witnessed the shooting first hand spoke in front of the capital, he spoke the words “We will not stop until every man, every woman, every child, and every American can live without a fear of gun violence.” And “If you listen closely you can hear the people in power shaking.” …show more content…
In 2013 the Black Lives Matter movement was started by 3 women in their late twenties and early 30s. But the movement really kicked up when Michael Brown, an 18-year-old, was shot and killed. Many of the attendees at the protests were students like the ones at parkland. These students were marching for many things such as racial equality and control over the excessive power police use on innocent people. But both of these revolutionary classes were marching, for one thing, gun