Persuasive Global Warming

Words: 774
Pages: 4

Global warming has become a colossal complication, even the slightest change can have an enormous amount of impact on the Earth, which will affect us and future generations. Contrary to what many people believe, global warming doesn’t just mean the slow increase in average temperatures, it completely changes the way the Earth’s system operates. For example, this is how it’s possible to have droughts in one place and flood in another. Also, this is how it’s possible to have a succession of droughts and floods in the same exact location. What can we do about global warming? What will happen to the Earth if we don’t do anything about it? These questions, among many others linger in many scientists, and people’s mind as the global temperature rises. …show more content…
Scientist predict that if the temperature rises by a whole degree, it can threaten the balance of nature. For example, they predicted that the Arctic has a risk of being ice free -for a whole year. If the Arctic is ice free for a whole year, this can affect the population of the different species of animals. Additionally, they predicted that hurricanes are going to hit the South Atlantic Ocean, and that the probability of growing crops in newer desserts will be unlikely, due to the lack of resources, more specifically, water. Furthermore, in the 1930’s, there was an issue known as the Dust Bowl, which was severe dust storms that greatly damaged the agriculture and ecology of the prairies in Canada and the United States. The Dust Bowl was caused by an increase of one degree, and scientists believes it can occur again. With all of the possible outcomes from the temperature rising by one degree, imaging the possible outcomes from the temperature rising six or seven degrees would be unimaginable. Therefore, it’s important for us to collect data and learn about the changes in temperatures, and how it can affect our …show more content…
For example, we can start by planting more plants and trees. Although it doesn’t seem like much, plants and trees do a lot for our ecosystem. For example, plants can help lower the temperature by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, a process commonly known as photosynthesis. Additionally, we can use transportation that doesn’t use as much fuel, or doesn’t use fuel at all. This way, there will be less carbon dioxide emissions released into the atmosphere. Some examples of transportations or activities that don’t use a lot of fuel, or any are hydrid cars, bikes, or even walking and running. Also, you could take a public transportation or carpool with your family, friends, or coworkers. Think outside of the box, there are many other solutions you can do to try to prevent the temperature from rising more than it already has, don’t let this paper limit your