Planned Parenthood Case Study

Words: 1256
Pages: 6

The decision of when and if someone is going to have children is a financial choice that can have an incredibly significant impact on a person's personal and professional life. Lack of access to reproductive healthcare can result in increased maternal and infant mortality rates, higher rates of unplanned and unwanted pregnancies, and likely a significant rise in unsafe abortions. This can also contribute to the continuation of social gender inequalities and limit overall societal well-being by taking away the ability for individuals to make decisions about their own healthcare. Ensuring safe and accessible abortions will lead to more women entering and staying in the workforce, a reduction in teen poverty, and overall increased financial stability …show more content…
Not to mention the cost of abortions themselves being quite expensive. Planned Parenthood has reported the cost of abortions ranging from $600-$2,000 depending on which trimester the operation is done. Transportation itself can also become an issue, maybe having a car isn't something that is possible for someone, so now they have to figure out a way to get to their appointment if it is far away. Maybe there is a single mother who already has kids, and can't handle the financial responsibility of having another child to take care of. When she decides that an abortion is the best choice for her and her family, she is unable to do so because her state has restrictions against them. In order to have the procedure done, she now must find an abortion clinic out of state, a way to get there, and someone to watch her kids. There are so many different situations that could happen, which is why having access to abortions within proximity and without any restrictions or barriers is going to financially benefit anyone who is in need of