Planned Parenthood Case Study

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Pages: 4

The fight against Planned Parenthood began forty four years ago when this organization established themselves as a clinic that offers abortions. Over the years there has been numerous proposals for the defunding of Planned Parenthood. However, there are approximately 2.8 million men and women across the United States who depend on Planned Parenthood’s health care services. While defunding the company prevents this organization from offering abortions, it will also create more health problems, such as an increased transfer of STDs and more unplanned pregnancies (Parenthood, Planned).
Planned Parenthood is a prevention center, and the goal is to help prevent young men and women from contracting STDs. Despite the fact that they are known as
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However, public funds come from two places, Medicaid, which is mostly targeted at low income citizens, and, Title X, a federal family planning program that also tends to target lower income citizens (Kurtzleben, Danielle). Title X does not allow any of its money to be used for abortions. Having said that, Medicaid does allow government funded money to be spent on abortions. Although it can only be used in a dire situation, such as rape, incest, or to protect the mother's life, in other terms “medically necessary” abortions (Kurtzleben, Danielle). In 1880 abortions were made illegal and they were not legalized until 1973, 93 years later. In 1930 abortion was the official cause of death for almost 2,700 women. As the years progressed the death tolls slowly decreased, but there were still far too many unnecessary deaths. In 1960 a study of low income women in New York found that 77 percent attempted a self-induced procedure, only 2 percent of which had assistance from a physician. Since the legalization of abortions death have dramatically decreased and are now even a rarity …show more content…
An estimated 2.7 million patients rely on this care center for many different treatment options (Seattle Time Editorial Board). If government funding were to be taken away from Planned Parenthood, the company would not only lose one of its biggest revenue sources and face a financial struggle, but also it would open the door to more unplanned pregnancies. For example, in New York the most popular free clinic was closed due to lack of funding, since then there has been an extreme increase in the most common STDs. To name a few, gonorrhea has soared by 60 percent, chlamydia and syphilis diagnoses have risen by about 20 percent (Howard, Laken). However, in an unrelated study done in 2006, it was found that in the United States alone, 49 percent of pregnancies are unintended. It was also discovered that most of these were women 19 years old and younger. More shockingly the highest rate of unintended pregnancies were among teens younger than 15 years old, 98 percent to be more exact (CDC). Without Planned Parenthood teens feel they have nowhere else to turn to to keep themselves safe. This organization has created a reputation for themselves as a safe environment where people of all ages can seek the help they need without fear of