Police Brutality

Words: 611
Pages: 3

***When we think about the image of the police department to the society it is not always good. Society no matter what the reason now a days has somewhat of a negative perception on the jobs and titles of the police officers that work in the department in their community. It is a nationwide issue because not all the officers in every community is viewed as a whole. It is seen that what one officers does then they all do. The saying that one bad apple spoils the bunch sometimes applies directly to the viewing of the police department. It could be said that the job of police and community relations is the job of every officer’s responsibility due to the fact that they are viewed as a whole in everything.
***So far at this day and time when we look in the papers all we see are stories of police corruption are on police brutality and that what the people of society see. Now granted it is not police officers everywhere are in certain places but it is televised and the officers that are televised seem to not care about the cold personality that they are showing. Now it can be seen just lie people are different officers are different but the only problem is that they all wear the same badge are looked at as the same person with the same person. This becomes an issue because not every interaction with the public have to be planned and carefully handle
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Police officers are just regular humans with a badge. But it is because of that badge that they expected not to make mistakes and not to do anything that a regular person would do. Everyone loses their cool and sometimes has spurts of anger because of how society already views officers they must suppress those feeling and be careful to uphold a professional appurtenance in public. Sometimes it is hard to remember that officers are just normal people because of the bad actions of a few officers it is felt that they are all power crazed and out of