Police Brutality

Words: 1214
Pages: 5

In the words of journalist Chris Hayes, “When was the last time you called the cops? ...There are fundamentally two ways you can experience police; as the people you call when there’s a problem, the nice man in uniform…(with) an easy smile …For others, the police are the people who are called on them. They are the ominous knock on the door, the sudden flashlight in the face, the barked orders. Depending on who you are, the sight of an officer can produce either a warm sense of safety and contentment or a plummeting feeling of terror.” (A Colony in a Nation, Part I). When asked the same question, a slight majority will answer the former, but the truth is that doesn’t come close to what the reality of millions of people of color must live …show more content…
In Coates book, the expression of fear and the reality of being a person of color are the replica of my reality, my fears, thoughts, and dreams that are required to be centered around the same ideals; when choosing to travel, when choosing a college, when choosing who to trust research has to be made to determine my safety as someone who is latinx, a person of color, a refugee, and a part of the LGBT …show more content…
I am invited as a guest to include my voice as someone who is close to the age of Coates son in this letter, someone who has grown up enduring the hard teaching parents feel required to inflict so that we may have less of a chance being part of a segment on the local news channel at 11, someone who has felt the fear of seeing guns near enough to their body to connect death as a concept that is installed to their nightmares indefinitely, someone who has connected with different generations hoping to connect and lead these stories into one big idea against the concept of