Section I – Administrative Instructions
When Training Will Be Given: 14 March 2014.
Training Location: Career Counselor Course classroom.
Who Will Be Trained: All students in small group 1.
Principal and Assistant Trainers: SSG Darnel E. Muniz.
Training Topic: Preparing and Managing Correspondence. (Memorandum for Record)
Training Aids: Slides, AR 25-50.
References: AR 25-50.
Section II – Introduction
Note: Show Slide 1
Attention: Would you believe that as a Career Counselor you are going to be expected to produce a wide variety of memorandums, from reenlistment incentive policies to memos that grants a Soldier to initiate a Security Clearance for a MOS they are trying to reclass into.
Motivation: So you just get to you new position as a Career Counselor at your new unit you get to your desk and your new Brigade Senior calls you up and tells you " I know your just getting situated but your current command does not have a Battalion incentive". So with that you approach you Battalion commander and ask him his position on the idea and he responds with " well here are some ideas run with it and write me a memo that covers this policy" Then you think dang I wish I got taught how to do memos in the Retention School, well you're in luck.
Terminal Learning Objective:
At the completion of training, students will:
Action: Process and present a Memorandum.
Condition: Given AR 25-50, and training slides.
Standard: To properly produce a Memorandum for record.
Safety Requirements: None.
Risk Assessment Level: Low.
Environmental Consideration: Recycle.
Evaluation: At the end of this block of instruction you will be required to demonstrate your proficiency by achieving a score of 80% or above on a 10 question quiz.
Instructional Lead In: We be going over the basics of constructing a memo; covering usages, proper grammar, general rules, format, heading, etc.
Section III – Presentation
Learning Activity 1 – Usage of a Memorandum
Type of instruction: C Instructor to student ratio is 1:26.
Time of instruction: 3 minute.
Media: Slides.
Note: Show Slide 2
1. Explain the usage of a memorandum. (AR 25-50)
2. Give examples on different uses for memorandums.
3. Ask for questions. Resolve any and all before proceeding.
Learning Activity 2 - General Rules
Type of instruction: C Instructor to student ratio is 1:26.
Time of instruction: 4 minutes.
Media: Slides.
1. Paper
a. Original pages. For memorandums, use computer-generated letterhead for the first page and plain white paper for continuing pages.
b.Copies. Prepare only the number of copies needed. See paragraph 1–19 of this regulation for more information on record, reading file, copy-furnished, and courtesy copies.
Note: Show examples and address the ar for references and illustrations.
2. Dates. Type or stamp the day, month, and year on the memorandum flush with the right margin 3. Margins. Use standard margins: 1 inch from the left, right, and bottom edges. Do not justify right margins.
4. Spacing. See figures 2–1 and 2–2.
5. Abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms. See paragraph 1–14 of this regulation.
6. Signature blocks. See paragraph 6–4 of this regulation 7. Ask for questions. Resolve any and all before proceeding.
Learning Activity 3 - Format
Type of instruction: C Instructor to student ratio is 1:26.
Time of instruction: 6 minutes.
Media: Slides.
Note: Show Slide 3
Note: When writing a memorandum, use the block style format (flush with the left margin) with three parts: heading, body, and closing.
1. Heading. The heading has six elements—
a. Office symbol