Right To Bear Arms Essay

Words: 502
Pages: 3

Gun Rights: Right to bear arms is inherent in the right of self-defense.
Health care: Opposes the governmentalization of American medicine.
Taxes: The federal income tax is unconstitutional, return to tariff, the DEMOCRATS: GUN RIGHTS: Right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation.
Reauthorize assault weapons ban, close gun show loophole.
Strengthen gun control to reduce violence.
HEALTH CARE: Make sure everyone has access to affordable health care.
Also to have quality health care.
Lower Cost for working families and Businesses.
Expand health insurance coverage nationwide.
TAXES: Have wealthy pay for taxes no middle class person has to pay.
Cut taxes for every working family, but not millionaires.
Cut taxes for working families,
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Charter schools ok vouchers not.
Education is #1 issue in the United States today.
Reduce class sizes, hire better teachers, and make schools nicer and more comfortable.

Gun Rights: no registration to store and keep ammunition.
Open more areas for hunting purposes.
No frivolous gun lawsuits, no gun licensing.
Will protect right to bear arms
Health Care: Repeal Obamacare; it is an attack on our Constitution
ABC FOR aids: abstinence, be faithful, change behavior
Ethical research yes; embryo cells no; cloning no
No assisted suicide
Government run universal health care lead to inefficiencies
Taxes: Line in the sand: no tax increases (focus on spending
Cut taxes to stimulate economy and help families
Tax cuts & low interest rates lead to home ownership
Repeal death tax & give tax break to care for elderly
Drug Laws: Jail time and school drug testing deters drug use
Aggressively pursue drug kingpins; include death penalty
Clinton surrendered Drug War; cry out for drug-free school
Education: Shift to community colleges and technical institutions.
No federal college loans; just insure private