Right To Bear Arms Essay

Words: 896
Pages: 4

The right to bear arms is the right given to all Americans by the second amendment. This amendment allows mentally ill people to possess weapons and shoot without discretion. The second amendment was composed by our forefathers as a means to protect ourselves, yet most of the people with weapons want to use it for fun and fire it at a gun range. In such cases, why does the government not keep these weapons in a safe location such as gun ranges and charge people to use them. The ability for anyone to possess these weapons have caused many mass shootings throughout the United States. An example of this would be the recent tragedy that took place in Las Vegas where a 64 year old man shot, Steve Paddock, killed and injured hundreds of people using the multiple weapons in his hotel room on the 32nd floor. There have been many more events such as this throughout history; …show more content…
The right to bear arms is a fundamental American right and it should not be made defective because of the few, yet significant maniacs. However, one must ask whether or not this would be fair for those who have died through the misuse of these weapons. Hundreds of people wake up one morning, not knowing that the life can be taken by a person with access to a dangerous weapon. The people who do commit mass shootings almost always know that the act they committed was heinous and choose to kill themselves by using a gun. Limiting the second amendment isn’t a crime so why not alter these rules, if it can be written on paper why not write it again but with a new meaning? Would it be fair to state that rules that were written many centuries ago are still applicable to a technologically advanced world? The types of weapons they had centuries ago do not compare to the scary and dangerous weapons we have now. One can not justify the loss of thousands of lives every year through the accessibility of these