Senior Year Research Paper

Words: 541
Pages: 3

An important point in someones life is his or her senior year. It is important because it can determine whether you will be successful or not. Your senior year is a great time to figure out what you want to do in life and how to prepare for greater things. Because your senior year is important, you have to control what you do and possibly change things that you need to do different; you will have to focus on your goal and prepare for the future. I plan on focusing on several areas to ensure that i am successful and wealthy. There are many mistakes I have made in my life and there are many things i wish i could have done differently. If i could go back in time and change some things a main thing would be my record, i would change the amount of trouble i got into so my record wouldn't be so large and it would be a little easier to get into a college. I would change the people i hung around; everyone doesn't have the same goals in life and if you surround yourself around the wrong people and energy you can forget about your goal and do other things. Another thing i would change is my attitude towards things. Recently, i have learned that …show more content…
Before you try to prepare and apply for schools you first have to prepare yourself mentally. To prepare yourself mentally you have to tell yourself that you really want something and that nothing will stop you from reaching your goal, you have to realize what things are important and what things you should let go of. After preparing yourself you have to apply for the schools you want to go to. You have to send resumes and show schools that you really want it and that you are a hard worker and not just a waste of time. Rather you go to college or not you have to have money saved up, if you goto college you have tuition and other thing you have to pay for and if your broke that just lower your chances of becoming what you