Senior Year Research Paper

Words: 787
Pages: 4

Every August for around thirteen years of a teens life, they begin a new chapter. Changes come each year that school comes around, but many don’t feel the change until later in life. Senior year is known as being one of the biggest years because big decisions are made; for example what college to attend the following year. For me, I have noticed that in every year I have been in school I have been cautious of saying certain things; because I don’t want to offend anyone even if I disagree. I always knew that it wasn’t the best way to handle things, but it was a way to not cause any problems. Although it is early in my senior year, I have already noticed some changes and they have taught me several things including senioritis being a real problem, junior year isn’t always the hardest year, and I have learned to not care anymore. …show more content…
I learned that senioritis is a real thing; I have always been a procrastinator, but this year is definitely the strongest it has ever been. I put things off until the absolute last minute and then quickly get it done. It doesn’t matter if an assignment is due the next day or a week later; I will wait to the last minute to finish it. I might start it to get an idea of my final, but I won’t finish it until the night before typically. I also don’t feel like working while at school, which is a big hint that senioritis is a real problem for me. This is definitely my least favorite habit, but I haven’t ever attempted to change it. It’s not the most effective way to do anything, but I tend to do it quite a bit even knowing that it is bad for my studies. So far, I also learned that junior year wasn’t the hardest year like everybody says it will