This plan was made so students can have more nutrients in their food and healthier choices. Kids need these nutrients to repair tissue, produce energy, and regulative the body process. Without the nutrients needed it can cause low blood sugar. It has been tested that some prison foods have more nutrients than school lunches. Yes I repeat “some prison foods have more nutrients than our school lunches”. Some schools make every student in their school get a fruit or vegetable with their meals. In return, studies show that most students do not eat their vegetables or fruit, so basically that is a waste of money. When asking the students what they prefer with their school lunches. Studies would show that most students like unhealthy foods as opposed to healthy foods. There is an old saying that goes and says “everything that looks, seems, or tastes, good is not always good for you.” Pizza, cheeseburgers, french fries, etcetera are full of calories and many fatty acids that can cause health issues to students. Isn’t it amazing all the foods that are bad for people's health taste the best. All the foods that are good for health taste awful. So, the lunchrooms in America want to serve healthier foods, but none of the students will hardly ever eat the …show more content…
Sometimes this bacteria can get into the lunch kitchen or lunchroom and contaminate the food or products used in the food. These contaminations can cause kids to eat bacteria that could be in their food. No one can see or taste the bacteria that is in their food, so when eating it cause cause sickness. 3000 students get sick each year from bacteria and unhealthiness in the food( Multiple parents across the United States have threatened to sue schools or call the school board because their children have gotten very ill from eating the school lunch. This causes the government to get mad because of parents threatening them and schools. If a parent was to sue this would cause the government to lose financial money used to help the school.
In conclusion, school lunches have been very unhealthy and cause multiple health problems until 2010 when First Lady Michelle Obama passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. The act recently expired, which caused good lunch rates to go back down for the first time in five years. This caused lunches too began to have less nutrients in their food . The government should improve school lunches so students can have better health and a better