In that website, it claims, “The attention span of the average middle school student is 10 to 12 minutes, and there is little evidence that their brains can be trained to develop a longer span.” This quote shows that kids will not pay attention at school, let alone a longer school time. So really, a longer school time would be a waste of time. Another reason why school shouldn't be longer is that teachers already spend time planning stuff and preparing. If we have a longer school day, teachers wouldn't be able to grade, or any other things like that. in the text, Extended learning Time? it states, "Teachers need this planning and collaboration time to make sure that classroom time is spent well. Teachers already spend long hours after-school tutoring individual students, talking with parents, grading papers, and preparing lessons. Extra hours with students could take away from that important after-school work." In conclusion, I think that longer school days are not necessary. Middle school students attention span is short, we wouldn’t have time to do after school activities, and longer school does not always mean better