Showing People Happiness Essay

Submitted By shayflayplays
Words: 731
Pages: 3

Curiosity as an Emotion
Curiosity is a basic emotion, like anger and worry.
It is thought to be linked to the neurological mechanisms of learning, memory, motivation, and the like.
It is an emotion that represents the search for knowledge.
It varies from person to person, or some people can be more curious than others

People through the ages have been curious. If people hadn’t wondered how to control their fires, we wouldn’t have stoves or ovens today. If people hadn’t been so curious about what we are made out of, we wouldn’t know what organs are, and atoms. The leading force behind all of these discoveries was one thing. People’s curiosity. It fuels the greatest discoveries about who we are, what we are, and how we are important in this little world of ours. A process deep inside the brain, it has been linked to many things throughout the ages. In ancient times, people thought that our curiosity comes from the world around us that the curiosity we feel comes from studying nature. Later, this thought was changed, as people realized that we study nature because of our curiosity, not after we observe it. Then, people like John Dunton theorized that our concerns were what formed our curiosities. After we become concerned with something, we force ourselves to dig deeper and discover the root of it. The theories in this led to one of the modern theories, called the Curiosity Drive Model. This theory states that since curiosity has something to do with the search for answers about problems, it had something to do with the unanswered problems. It states that when in the presence of an unknown stimuli, the brain responds by searching for the source of the stimuli, in attempts to get answers. Later, however, this theory was questioned, due to the fact that curiosity exists even in the presence of unknown stimuli. However, this theory, along with the Optimal Arousal Model, is still the two most widely accepted theories on the topic. Scientists have still not narrowed down what exactly curiosity comes from. There are still a variety of theories, and possibilities as to where in the brain curiosity comes from.
Curiosity Drive Model
The Curiosity Drive Model is one of the theories about the mechanics of curiosity, and where it comes from.
The theory is based on the feeling you get when you do not know something. To the brain, this is an uncomfortable feeling, which it will try to get rid of. One way for the brain to get rid of the feeling is by getting rid of the feeling that is making it feel discomfort, which is the feeling of not knowing what something is, is by figuring out what it is you do not know, henceforth getting rid of the feeling.
According to this model, that is why people are curious, so that they can get rid of that feeling.
Unfortunately, this model is