Shut Down Your Screen Week

Words: 529
Pages: 3

Have you had an experience where you were on an electronic device for more than 7, maybe 12 hours a day? People are coming up with ideas to try to prevent this, by limiting the amount of daily screen time. The article “Attached to Technology and Paying a Price” by Matt Richtel is about the idea of a “Shut down your screen week.” The article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicolas Carr and Peter Norvig zooms into Google and its effects on our minds and the distractions from our creativity it can cause. Schools should participate in the “Shut Down Your Screen Week”.

To begin with, schools should participate in Shut Down Your Screen Week because using a device could result in consequences. deadly ones. Passage one states, “The resulting distractions can have deadly consequences, as when cellphone-wielding drivers and train engineers cause wrecks.” Indubitably, this conveys that while it may seem important to respond to that email, it could cost you; furthermore, it may seem like no big deal just to type in a couple of words a minute, but being on your phone while driving is the lead cause of wrecks. In addition, these kinds of distractions can be hazardous. Maybe that email could wait until you arrive home.
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Passage two states, “You can Google all the facts you want, but you'll never Google your way to brilliance.” Assuredly, this shows that while you may think sneaking a quick Google answer is harmless, you really can never cheat your way to brilliance; furthermore, googling isn't helping us get smarter or wiser. In addition, it is simply just having us go the easy way out, never really, letting our creativity