Stereotypes Of Women In College

Words: 567
Pages: 3

Although my generation is filled with peer pressure and horrible stereotypes it is my duty as a young woman to change the stereotype of negativity to positivity by receiving a college degree, having a successful career and being a role model. It is very important to receive a higher education because with a degree I will have an opportunity to obtain a great job in a career field I am interested in. When a woman goes to college to receive the same education as a man it can be caught by as a surprise because of the gender roles. Going to college can challenge women to become more independent than ever before. We will learn manage finances, schedules and other important responsibilities. By doing this woman will gain more respect and not just be known as the ones to sit around the depending on a man do to everything for them. …show more content…
Now most young ladies look up to celebrities that can be bad influences such as the ones that are on reality TV shows. Those women are paid to go on national television to degrade themselves and act as wild animals. Most people infer that women are just filled with drama and depend on other people for their success because that is what people are being exposed to. I want to be the one to change that stereotype because not every woman is like that. Some of us work for everything we have and treat ourselves like diamonds because we want others to treat us that way. If someone sees you acting up and showing no self-respect towards yourself you are going to be treated with no respect. Self- respect is the most important thing to

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