Students Should Start Later Research Paper

Words: 1146
Pages: 5

Should the school day be longer? If the school day started later, students would have too much time before school. If the students have too much time before school, they may fall asleep again or get lazy early in the morning, which will make them miss school. With the school days starting later, the students will get distracted by TV or maybe even fall asleep before school. Although students would be given more time to do homework, some students believe a change in school start time could change the schedule of the students, teachers, and parents, which would change many people's sleep schedules. This could cause them to stay up later, with the belief that they could sleep in till a later time. If a student's school day is pushed half an hour to an hour later, they may think they will be able to go to …show more content…
If a student's school day is pushed half an hour to an hour later, they may think they will be able to go to bed at any time they want. This will make students more tired and have less sleep than they should have. This thought for the students will not benefit them since they're very tired and will have problems learning. With school starting later, parents have to leave before the student leaves for school. If the student is still asleep past the time that their parents have already left, they will either miss the bus or set a timer for when to wake up. But if someone who still sets an alarm doesn't wake up, they will miss the bus without knowing. With schools starting later, these children are already arriving early to school if their parents are commuting, are farmworkers, or work in construction, restaurants, or retail. Even with later start times, many of these parents will still have to drop their kids off at school before they go to work. This is evidence that parents would have a hard time getting their kids to