The Ethical Issue Of Racism

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Pages: 4

Racism occurs everywhere around us, and is perceived differently in each culture. It is defined as a set of beliefs and opinions based on people’s perspective. People with racist beliefs portray stereotype-based prejudices towards individuals and groups of people according to their race. Each individual should be accepted for who they are rather than be defined and accepted by their race. In my opinion, individuality defines a person, not the color of their skin and every individual is different and unique. It is ethically wrong to assume that one race is far superior than the other. It is not hard to witness how others treat a certain race differently than their own. Racism is always occurring whether it be intentional or unintentional and …show more content…
Race or the color of one’s skin has no direct correlation with equality and to be given leeway because your a minority or majority is ethically unjust. In today’s society, race plays a big role in everyday life. Just as the individuals in the whiteness project, there is not one race exempted from racial criticism or discrimination. Before watching the whiteness project, I always thought that black people/ African Americans were the minorities in racial criticism and discrimination. It was easily seen and depicted in television, movies and the news. I felt they were always judged because of the color of their skin and their ancestral history of being slaves, back in the day. Racism doesn't exist because of what a discriminated group has done. It’s reason for existing or occurring is not logical or reasonable but rather is shaped based on a combination of prejudice, hatred, fear, and ignorance and many other factors that can sum up to what racism is. Racism does not form in a vacuum, it is affected, shaped, and influenced by society and societal views. Even today, these ideas continue. This is an issue within individuals who take racism and possess, not with its victims. Racism works in many directions …show more content…
If people look at the world from a different perspective like looking outside their own personal space or bubble maybe they can remove the mindset of discrimination or stereotyping other races. Once one can see the good and bad from all different races, only then will they be able to remove the hatred towards other races. Each and every person is different and they are all trying to get through life as best they can. This struggle that everybody can relate to and it is called "living." Why do we make it harder on ourselves when we add that kind of nonsense? I'm no better than anyone else because of the color of my skin, and nobody is better than me because of the color of their skin. According to the law, everybody should be treated equally, but sadly they aren’t. My dream is that someday we are able to move past racism and be able to treat each other as equals. Racism seems to be almost inevitable because the human race seems to be very stubborn about accepting the fact that many different cultures make up this world and as long as we don't learn to love and respect one another, racism will always exist. but i'm still optimistic that love and