Transformational Leadership Style Analysis

Words: 492
Pages: 2

Final Exam

Part I:

Transformational leadership in its most basic form is a style of leadership which allows for the group to work together to achieve a goal successfully, efficiently, and while taking into account the group collectively.

This leadership style has both positive and negative aspects in relation to its success rate. On the positive note, transformational leadership sets clear goals from the start along with realistic high expectations. This creates an enthusiastic work environment and positive group climate. Taking into account that the individuals who make up the group are important, it encourages everyone to work together while providing ample support and recognition throughout the process. This ultimately allows each individual to look past their own goals and work collectively.

On the negative side, transformational leadership fails to take into account that not all leaders have the ability to inspire the team as well as others. This will be a large drawback in the effectiveness of this style. Furthermore, individuals have different internal and external incentives or motivational factors which drive them to excel at their work. However, Transformational leadership does not allow for high-achieving individuals with a high-need for recognition to receive individual recognition to drive them
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I have found this to be especially true in very competitive industries in respects to pay. While being predominantly present as well in non-profit organizations. I have first hand seen individuals work with a company and more importantly stayed with a company even if they are being offered more money or benefits in a different place. When I realized why, I was amazed. Most of the people I have met who are in this position usually go with the answer that they not only feel more comfortable where they are, but that they believe in the leadership and vision of company A in comparison to company