Transformational Leadership Style Analysis

Words: 521
Pages: 3

As we all know, leadership is common in our daily life. From business, in family, leadership unquestionably shows the key game. In the business world, as likely or not, leadership, which is the field of subject that most researchers scrutinize, is deemed as the principal vitamin for a robust organization. A Literally, leadership has dissimilar definitions given by different authors and experts, but generally it is a relationship in which the behavior or actions of people are influenced by one person. The leadership is clear as the quality of the person with a recognizable goal or clear vision and which can generate willingness in the peers and co-workers by following the path and mutually advantageous action of the leader (Parry, 1996). According to Burns (1978) was labeled two styles of leadership which are transformational and …show more content…
In its ideal form, it generates a valuable and positive change in the followers with the end goal of developing followers into leaders. According to Bass (1985), transformational leaders try to attain this goal in different ways like more appreciation, understanding emotional need or by motivating them with personal experience and achievements. While according to Yukl (1981) as mentioned by Kuhnert and Lewis (1987), transactional leadership involves exchange of information between superior and subordinates and influences each other mutually so that each derives something valued. In additional words, it is a win-win situation for both superior and subordinates in getting something they valued. Transactional leaders typically work within the boundaries of the existing system, emphasize process rather than substance as a means of control and are effective in stable and predictable environments. The key factors of transactional leadership model include contingent reward, management-by-exception and