Transformational Leadership Style Analysis

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Pages: 4

My main preference is using transformational leadership in which I scored a 45 out of 80. This style is made up of four elements, comprised of individual consideration, describing leaders who encourage others to reach goals that help both them and the organization. Intellectual stimulation encourages innovation and creativity through challenging beliefs or views of a group. Included idealized influence which describes leaders who are role models for team members. It also contains inspirational motion, in which leaders motivate others to commit to the vision of the organization.
My next type is transactional leadership, in which I scored a 42 out of 80. This leadership type is composed of two elements: contingent reward and management
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I scores showed that I encourage innovation and creativity while promoting critical thinking and problem-solving, which are characteristics that emphasizes people and not the tools or machines they are given as the “Hawthorne effect” states. Also, my results showed that I encourage others to reach goals that help both them and the organization, which promotes employee participation in decision-making. This skill is stressed in the Employee participation theory by Argyris.
Both of these characteristics are helpful to a leader in the medical field because collaborative practice is being promoted, so there is a group of people who need to work together solve the patient’s problems and each member of the group, including the patient, is involve in the care of the patient. Many times the care of a patient is complicated and requires lots of different inputs to solve, so promoting these theories in practice is effective in those cases. However, in a short-term crisis, which are also common in a hospital, there might not be time to consider everyone’s idea and a decision has to be made on the spot, making the Human Relations theories
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I like to practice what I preach, and I would like people to see the positive results from the actions that I promote. I was an OTEAM mentor last semester, and I would give students tips about how to study and get good grades in classes. At the same time, I would be implementing those tips that I gave my students into my study habits and showing good results as a way for them to see that they