United States Peaceful Protest

Words: 500
Pages: 2

We the Students Essay Contest
Protest plays a crucial role in how are society creates and interprets law. The founding fathers new this including the right to a peaceful protest of a law, otherwise known as civil disobedience. Some of the biggest turning points in the history of the United States have come from peaceful protest. There would not be equal rights without protest, there would not be environmental standards without protest, and without protest, important issues sometimes are not addressed. Through the existence of the United States peaceful protest has achieved many great things with little negative on free society.
In recent news the North Dakota pipe line, which was schedule to be built, has been protested and put on hold. These peaceful protests work both ways as they are protesting the protection of the environment but if it is not built the US loses out of millions of gallons of oil. While there is no definitive answer to which is better the people do have a right to protest. That is what is important in protest is what the people want. This country was built by the people and run by the people; therefore, it should be the peoples say in what happens. In the pipeline case, people do not want to the pipeline to build but is essential to US economy. While the pipeline will probably be finished in
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For example, the civil right movement’s key factor was peaceful protest. Through these protest and rallies, people like Martin Luther King Jr and his followers were able to convey their feeling peacefully and in a constructive manner. MLK was able to rally thousands to his marches. Some people were arrested he continued to preserve his beliefs. Even when people refused to change, they stood strong in their belief. While some protest due turn violent many of the civil rights movements were peaceful. A calm and constructive protest can do good things for