Wage Gap Analysis

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Pages: 5

Mariam from A Thousand splendid suns never worked but the way she looked at all the girls in the city who did was as if they were gods.Employment opportunities have been a problem since women have started working. Men and women may both work just as hard as one another but women get paid less than men. This isn’t fair at all for women. Although the wage gap has gone undetected, it is very much apart of everyone’s lives . People underestimate how much of our society is stuck in a wage gap. Some people are aware of it while others don’t know.It has been a normal for people in our society that women and different ethnicities don’t get paid as much as white men. A great example is when A current Chicago-area Gap sales associate said …show more content…
A great statistic that proves this is from the center for American Progress . It says women who work full time year round continue to earn only about 77 percent of what men earn. The gap between the median wage for a man and that of a woman in 2010 was $10,784 per year. The gender wage gap gets larger with age and builds up over time.The wage gap may only be a couple of dollars for an hourly rate but at the end of the year it can be thousands of dollars. 77 percent is a huge number, it goes undetected. Another great example of this is when Virginia legislators considered proposals to raise the state minimum wage earlier this year, Lori Janke, owner of three clothing resale stores there, computed how an increase from $7.25 to $10.10 per hour would affect her 60-odd employees. Had the proposals passed, she projected the higher wages would have eaten up a fifth of her 10% profit margin. If the state minimum would have gone up, it would have been fair to the employees but not fair to the owner. Everyone in Virginia would have been losing something because the wages would still be different in other …show more content…
If men and women were paid equally nearly everyone from the company owner to the employees would be happy. The employees would all be getting paid the same and the owners would be paying everyone the same. In January, lawmakers in South Carolina -- where women who work for the state earn 87 percent of what men earn -- introduced a bill that would guarantee equal pay for equal work and prohibit gender discrimination for private sector and state employees. In Missouri and New York, lawmakers have introduced legislation that would commission studies of wage disparities among state workers. This shows that changes can happen. Because changes have happened wage gap will soon start to be on the decline. This suggests that there may be more bills passed in the near future. From the article “What Is A Living Wage” Jon Gertner said “Santa Fe has been one of the movement's crowning achievements. This month the city's minimum wage rose to $9.50 an hour, the highest rate in the United States. But other recent victories include San Francisco in 2003 and Nevada in 2004.” This is also another great example of the changes happening around America. Changes need to happen all around the world not only in America. This could mean that America ends the gender gap. Which could lead to other countries fixing the problem of gender gap. The wage gap may be on the decline but there are many changes, consequences,real life