Most people think they need to lift heavy free weights, five or six days a week to get the body they want, you don't and more importantly, you don't even have to lift free weights (unless you want to). My personal experience has taught me that body weight exercises are the best way to build quality dense muscle, which is what you want, right? Push-ups and pull-ups will give you the athletic look that you want, and the best thing about it is, all you need is thirty minutes three days a week. My personal routine is, push-ups one day, skip a day, pull-ups, skip a day, and push-ups again. If you have a fast metabolism, just do two days a week, push-ups, skip a day, pull-ups, because you need more time to recover. Ladies, you can do push-ups on your knees at first, and use a chair to step from and lower yourself slowly until you are strong enough to do pull-ups. Guys, if you are having problems pulling your weight (like I did) you can do pull-ups this way until you get stronger, it won't take long. As you get stronger, and you want to challenge yourself, you can do decline push-ups, elevate your feet (you can use a kitchen chair) and only rest for fifteen seconds between sets. you can wear a backpack with books in it when doing pull-ups to make them more challenging. Remember to drink plenty of water (about three quarts a day) and get eight hours of sleep a night. I know what you're thinking, what about nutrition? Don't worry about what you are eating at first, just eat a little bit more, and when you look in the mirror and decide you want your new muscle to look more defined, it's time for cardiovascular exercises. To lose fat (not weight) you can do jumping jacks, run in place, jump rope, or stair step for up to twenty minutes, four to six days a week for those with normal to slow metabolisms, and one day a week for those