Why Do People Be Vaccinated?

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Pages: 6

Before vaccines, people would die of easily preventable diseases. Now, today people can get vaccines and have a very small risk or no risk at all of getting the disease. When people decide not to get vaccinated, they are taking a risk of being exposed to the disease that could be life threatening. People should be vaccinated in order for the body to be immune to the disease. They should also be vaccinated to prevent disease from spreading, possibly extending one person’s life, and to protect from being infected. Even if people get vaccinated, they still can have a reaction, but the reaction may not be as bad compared to someone who is not been vaccinated. (Martinuk). There are many controversies over if these vaccines are protecting and eliminating the pathogen. For two centuries people have been getting vaccinated. The first credited person to create a vaccine was Edward Jenner. In 1790, Edward came out with the smallpox vaccine. When Edward did his first vaccine in 1796 on an eight-year-old boy, it was similar to the modern day vaccines. Edward retrieved pus from a cowpox legion and put it on the eight-year-old boy …show more content…
Just a couple of weeks ago your worked offered flu shots to every employee who wanted one. Therefore, you decide to get one but one of you co-workers decide not. They are in the same position as you they are in bed sick with the flu. After a week has gone by, you are back at work earning money, while they are still in bed all because you had got your flu shot. When you get the vaccine, they inject a germ that is a strain of the weak or dead of the disease. This causes your antibodies to attack the foreign invader. While the body is attacking it, the antibodies are also making a memory of that disease (Gard). So the flu you had you fought a little before and your body knew how to react to the pathogens. When your co-worker was not so lucky and is fighting harder to attack it on their