Classroom Observation Paper

Words: 1349
Pages: 6

1. During my observations for preclinical experience the class I observed was a 4th grade class filled with students of a multitude of levels and there were also 2 students added to the class for certain subjects that are in the Hannah More School. The class ranges from 20-22 at a time and the seating is cluster of 4-6 desks in a U shape around the classroom facing the front of the room where the smart board is located. The classroom also has many different alternative seating arrangements for the students such as a large carpet area for interactive reading, a sections with books and a tent for individual reading and or a place to work on assignments during workshop time. The students are also called back for small reading groups to a kidney bean shape table where each group based on F &
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Effective classroom environment.

• Prior planning: Prior planning is necessary to keep yourself as a teacher and for your class to stay on task. For prior planning my host teacher had all lessons for the week planned and also how they connected with each other. All of the teachers of the 4th grade also have meetings once a week to make sure all three classes are on the same page and everyone is staying on track. The teachers also talk about upcoming exams and so forth to make sure all three classes are on pace for the year.
• Teacher’s behavior: The host teachers behavior is very professional yet very caring. You can tell that the student love being in her class yet shows her the respect she deserves. The students give her slim to none behavior problems. By having established rules and established guidelines for how the school day is planned and keeping a schedule on the board keeps students focused and prepared for the next task.
• Student’s behavior: Since there are no significant behavior problems in this class it makes the students day full of learning with little distraction. The students seem to have the routine down and are also kept in line with a simple