Classroom Observation Paper

Words: 1286
Pages: 6

During my time in service learning I have gained new appreciation for special education. I spent my full fifteen hours in Cindy Byers Pre-K and Kindergarten special education classroom and Ada Early Childhood Center. I had the pleasure of interacting with two different groups of children. There were seven to eight students in the morning and the same amount of students in the afternoon. Some of the students stayed at home in the mornings or were in another class and vice versa for the morning session. Most of the sweet children I spent my time with were four years old, but there were a few five-year-old children in the class as well. All of the students in the classroom were considered developmentally delayed with various suspected disabilities …show more content…
I observed most of the students had very under-developed social cues. When observing them play and interact with one another, I noted that they seemed to be involved in many more spats than the other kindergarten class I observed at Ada Early Childhood Center. I understand that most children at this age have a hard time with sharing; however, the not sharing I saw did not seem to be the main issue, but more that the special needs students were unaware of their personal space. They were oblivious to the person next to them until they nearly hit them while playing, or until the teacher said something about it to the …show more content…
Byers to meet with the psychologist) to the reports of the classroom teacher. I was interested to learn that Mrs. Byers’ service delivery and instructional methods were still covering most of the material children without disabilities at this age would be learning. She shared that the students focus on one letter each week and devote the week to learning that specific letter. However, she explained to me that with this group of children, it is like throwing a ball at a wall and expecting it to stick. For the week the students might know the letter, but the next week when reviewing, most (if not all) have not retained any of the information. Mrs. Byers recognizes the different learning styles of her students and teaches the letter lessons differently for almost every child. All students might do the same lesson, but some children need help more, or with different