The red and green spellers studied at their desks. Students G and A went with the teacher’s aide to the nurse’s office for a bathroom break. Next, the green-level spellers, Students B, C, D, and H went to the testing table. Student G continued smacking the paper against his desk. Student K arrived at 9:20 am and began writing his spelling words. Every yellow-level speller made a 100% on their spelling test. Then, they got “free time” on the computer. After looking, I noticed that most of them were on the PBS Kids website. Student A was bouncing in her chair and appeared to be very fidgety. Then, she began playing with the magnetic letters at the back of the room. Students B, C, E, and F returned to class. Student A was still jumping up and down. Student D and H got “free time” on the computer for making a 100% on their spelling test. Students J and I arrived at 9:25 am. Student L was watching Student D on the computer. All students went to the rug. Students L, G, and A went to recess. Mrs. Harris began reading “Goosebumps: Hall of Horrors”. All of the students were paying attention, being still, and being quiet. Students D and H played a number board game at the learning center table. Student J practiced his spelling words at his desk. Students K and I, red-level spellers, went to the testing table for their spelling test. The students went to recess at 9:45