Common Core State Standards

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Pages: 7

The common core, state standards, and shift in literacy are all components found within school districts across the United States. Each of these "set of guidelines"was created to help with the advancement of student knowledge and understanding; allowing individual students to graduate high school more prepared for a higher degree and opportunity. "The standards are meant to guide the general curriculum. They were developed in an attempt to raise student achievement levels and to standardize the learning expectations for all students in the state. The standards appear as sets of goals in content areas such as reading, mathematics, and the arts and describe what students will accomplish in each area" (Price, pg. 6). Implementing the common core …show more content…
Although, each state has its own standard. Content Standards: Connecting Standards-Based Curriculum to Instructional Planning (2018) noted that content standards are made up of essential knowledge, skills, and understanding needed to achieve competence in a content area. Similar to the literacy component, the idea of standards is geared towards a student-centered learning. More specifically, the New York visual arts standards consist of numerous key ideas, including one that I find of high importance present by Standard Area- Arts (n.d.), Standard 3: Responding to and Analyzing Works of Art Students will respond critically to a variety of works in the arts, connecting the individual work to other works and to other aspects of human endeavor and thought. Unlike the common core, the New York State Standards hone in on the individuality of each content area, creating equality amid subject areas. Standard three, in particular, is important because it recognizes the vocalization …show more content…
Students will be able to respond to their peers verbally and gain a greater knowledge of the content area being taught. This standard also makes students learn about other works of art and history of art as well as, creating an opportunity to expand into other subject areas as mentioned earlier. However, the standards are not only geared towards students. According to The New York State Teaching Standards (n.d.), teachers must demonstrate their own personal knowledge of the content they teach, and plan instruction that will develop growth and achievement within every individual child. While, it seems like a lot of work for educators, which it is; teachers are held to specific standards because we want our children to gain the most experience and knowledge as possible. The teaching standards are especially important and useful during the pre-planning when an educator can determine their own ability before testing the ability of his/her students. "Teachers incorporate key concepts during instruction through the use of multiple representations and explanations" (The New York State Teaching Standards, n.d.). The idea of students and teachers having an understanding of the same material correlates with the idea brought forth by Armstrong (n.d.) in the discussion of Bloom's Taxonomy. The idea that objectives are important to establish in a pedagogical interchange so that teachers and students will understand the purpose of