A young woman in her plastic surgery class was told to look at the different shapes of faces in people around the world and define what type …show more content…
Most of the women have a greater percentage on working with other woman in the workforce of obsetetrics and gynecology. African Americans in this field have had a much greater specialty workforce in neurology, obstetrics, and gynecology. Both women and African Americans increase the field diversity in working with Obstetrics and Gynecology (Andriole, Jeffe, Shechtman 469-477) In 1996 the percantage for women in the workforce was thirty five percent. By 2004 there was a much greater percentage of 41.8%. For african americans the percentage in 1996 was five % by the year of 2004 there was a increase of 9.7%. in 1996 through 2004 it was a positive increase in the work force for both females and african americans in the gynecology and obstetrics workfield. (Andriole, Jeffe, Shechtman …show more content…
When people are in the religion of being a Hindu, they wished to be treated with modesty. When have eaten a meal they wish to be able to wash their hands after. The patients may wish to wear many jewelry or adornments because they hold a cultural and much more valuable relligious meaning. Hindu’s like to use their right hand for clean tasks and request to see the body after death becuase it transitioning. (Elman). When there is pentecostal patients in the workplace they like to be left alone so they can pray and may speak in many different toungues as it it has a very religious signifance to the people. Many of these type of patients have a strong belief in there being a miracle while a patient is in the hospital. They can request to have many people with them in the room. (Elman). Buddisht people want to have their peace and quest becuase it is a form of medidtation. They chant out loud and oray as it exprfesses modesty. They may refuse certain procedurees as if they are toaught in thewre religion to duffer. When a buddhist patient is diening they kike to be alone and not dusturbed so they can be able to meditate, After the buddhist patient has died the family membrer slike to have the body for many available hours. (Elman).When a patient is Catholic usually before a surgery they like to recieve the scaraments such as the