Four Day Research Paper

Words: 535
Pages: 3

Parker Mathews Mrs. Melton 10 Honors English 18 March, 2024 Four Days or Five? Should schools switch to a four-day week? I advocate maintaining the traditional five-day schedule. This ensures less stress on students, better workforce preparation, and higher test scores. Certain articles, like “Four Days or Five”, indicate that students under a four-day schedule are less equipped for real-world challenges and experience heightened stress levels. Considering the impact on their well-being and academic achievement, the five-day schedule emerges as the most effective option. Therefore, schools should refrain from adopting the four-day schedule. People tend to be less stressed about school when it comes to a five-day schedule. The article, “School Schedule”, states, “‘It was harder …show more content…
This may cause tests or quizzes to happen sooner, and less time for students to study. Along with this, working parents may be more worried about their children. Certain children may not have a good home life, and parents might not be able to provide food for them. This change in school schedule provides less school meals for their children. Another reason why the five-day schedule is preferred is due to the unpreparedness of the workforce. The majority, if not all, of the jobs in the workforce, have a schedule that requires you to be there five or more days a week. This also has to do with college classes. The majority of college schooling has students attend five days a week. Due to the mentality that the four-day schedule creates in students, this may leave them heavily unprepared for the future. A quote from “Four Days or Five?” states, “.the four-day schedule failed to prepare Anderson for the five-day schedule of college. ‘Only getting two days in during the weekend killed me. and now, a semester and a half into my freshman year of college, I still haven’t completely adjusted’” (Jones