Four Day Weeks Research Paper

Words: 432
Pages: 2

Around nine hundred schools are switching to four-day weeks which are helping students daily. Many schools have switched to four-day weeks but have increased the school hours. The schools can also provide tutoring on Fridays. The tutoring can be offered to anyone but is forced upon people who have bad grades. Schools should switch to four-day weeks because students can have less stress, teachers can teach more in a day, and the negative discipline amount has dropped. Schools should switch to four-day weeks because it is less stressful. states, “Most students and teachers were burned out after the longer school week.” (Ellen.R 2002) Students in the four-day weeks feel an extra day provides more sleep. It also provides time for stress …show more content…
“The new school calendar will consist of one hundred and sixty days. The days combined will be about seventy-seven thousand minutes. This means they will add an extra 25 minutes each day. This will allow teachers to teach more in an average day.” according to (Madilin, 2016). The schools switching to four-day weeks can also improve the students. Schools should switch to four-day weeks because the negative discipline amount decreases. According to, “They state that the Melstone schools district reported that the attendance for their school has improved twenty percent.” (Katherine Bradly) The Chattooga superintendent noticed that the discipline for being off task has decreased seventy-three percent whilst on the four day week. The school's four-day week has improved students with less discipline. Many schools are also frowning upon the four-day school week. Many families have to ask for a raise for the cost of child care. Child care averages around $1000 to $5000 a month. This is making families grouch over four day school weeks. You could also counter this by asking a family member to watch