Four Day School Week Research Paper

Words: 442
Pages: 2

The topic of having a four-day school week is one of the most opinionated topics when it comes to education. Some states in the U.S. have already switched to a four-day school week, while other states are debating whether to make the switch. In the Laurens County school system, our superintendent believes that there is not enough information on whether a four-day week is beneficial. Personally, I think Laurens County should implement a four-day school week. Bullying is a universal issue that needs to be eradicated. Teenagers and children are the primary victims of bullying. The bullying issue would be solved if we had a four-day week. “After the transition to a four-day week, bullying incidents decreased by 39%.” (Source C). “While the initial drop in fights and bullying was likely mechanical, less time in school …show more content…
With certain school districts, money may be tight and may not be able to get help for students who are struggling, but by implementing a four-day week the school districts can save a little more money and give kids more opportunities. “Possible cost savings for a district on a four-day week is 5.43%, but average savings range from 0.4%-2.5% for a five day week district.” (Source A). “2.5% of a million dollar budget is $25,000, enough to fund a program or even bring in a reading specialist.” (Source A). By the district saving more money, this can allow better opportunities for students, and can allow struggling students to get help with what they are struggling with. There are many people in the county who believe that we should not switch to a four-day school week. Some people tend to believe that by shortening the school week, we are going to ruin the school environment for the students since they won’t be at school for five days. If the parents and teachers could see how the four-day week helps better the students, they would change their