Gun Laws Stop Mass Shootings

Words: 1418
Pages: 6

“Gun Laws” Over many years of lockdown drills, these lockdown drills give kids an idea of what to do if a real person intruded on their school. Kids hide in their classrooms where nobody can see them through the windows or from the door. During these lockdowns, kids are not sure what will happen, or even what is going on. However, it is good to keep kids prepared for a potential shooting. They should not have to. Young kids should not have to go through this, they should be able to get through their school day without worry. Gun violence has been a big issue for a very long time because nobody has put a stop to it, when setting strict gun laws, it will help the amount of mass shootings decrease. Gun laws that are being passed help stop mass …show more content…
This law helps stop mass shootings in certain places. There are places like playgrounds, that keep guns away from children, and even train stations that keep adults safer. In general, these laws that the governor passed helped certain places in their state protect from guns and other weapons. Overall, gun laws are helping to stop mass shootings in different states. Some people may say that gun laws do not work and gun violence is increasing and the government needs to stop it, but in reality, gun protection laws are helping, and decreasing the number of mass shootings in different states. Although some people believe that gun laws do not help, they do. Around the country, gun protection laws have impacted so many people's lives. In this article, it states that states with stronger gun laws have fewer deaths. Town Research said, “We compared gun policy across the country, scoring every state on the strength of its gun laws and comparing it with its rate of gun violence. In