Healthy School Lunches

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Pages: 3

The problem is people should have their own opinion of what to eat. But all schools should have the healthy lunch plan. The significance of healthy school lunch is so America can have less obese children. A solution would be to let students pick what they feel should be healthy in the schools. Although, people feel some school’s nutrition is good in schools, why control what we eat? The issue is important because the parents should be able to choose what their children or child eats. (Web 2013). It says, “Researchers suggest that schools play a role in stressing the importance of breakfast”. (Web 2013). The quote gives proof the parents basically don’t get a say in what their child eats at school. A detail when we had non-healthy lunches children were presumed to become an obese child. (Web 2013). Critics feel a best fit would be, “Also the breakfast program is a valuable tool in the current battle against childhood obesity” (Web 2010). The proof says if a child gets more fruits and vegetables in school they would not be overweight. Even though people feel school nutrition is good …show more content…
The government should not have to act like a parent and let the parents pick their child’s food. (Bakst 2016). Another example Bakst gives. “Healthy Hunger Free Act, is a misguided effort to police what American children eat”. (Bakst 2016). The flaw is on the government because their providing the money for the lunch program. Michelle Obama felt that starting to eat healthy starts with in the schools. (Bakst 2016). Bakst researched. “In an interview Michelle told the struggles of getting her girls to try and eat healthy”. (Bakst 2016). The quote explains eating healthy starts with in a home because we get the option of eating what we want then in the schools. Since the government feels it is not their job to dictate, their paying for the Michelle Obama “Healthy School Lunch” that might be in