Heart Failure Research Paper

Words: 1016
Pages: 5

Does Using an ACE Inhibitor or ARB Reduce the Complications of Heart Failure? Congestive heart failure is one of the most chronic and fatal conditions that affect the elderly population. However, through variations of treatment options CHF has become a treatable illness. CHF is mostly seen in certain age groups, sex, and cultures. Diagnosis of this disease in its early stages, is critical for the successful outcomes from treatment (Manickavasagam, et al, 2012). Best outcomes begin with having a complete understanding of pathology, successful trials, and treatment options on an ongoing basis. Statistics show that the mature individual of age 64 to 74 is affected from CHF the most. In people over 75, the statistics rate the condition as being …show more content…
The strategies for treatment are necessary in order for the victims of this population to have quality of life, because there is no cure. The goal is to use pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies for treatment. Pharmacological strategies will include medicines like angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor (ACE inhibitor) or angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) to help control symptoms and reduce mortality rate. Non pharmacological strategies will include lifestyle changes, diet, and exercises to help promote healthy out …show more content…
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